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Friday, March 12, 2010

how was my day? (part ii)

... and we had a screaming match in front of our unit commander's desk that boiled down to nystire repeatedly making completely incorrect assumptions about what other people consider "the basics". he has a very different view of the world than the majority, yet expects everyone to be like him and is constantly shocked, disappointed and angry by their behaviour.

that's different from me because while i'm all three of those things, deep down i *know* that there aren't that many people who think like me.

i suddenly remembered that his TL made a comment this morning about "the nystire factor", that when nystire describes a situation one needs to take into account that the overlap between his description and our shared reality isn't usually very large, no matter how certain he is.


lunch was boring. my diet restricts most of what was served, but that didn't look particularly appetizing anyway. i had an apple, and some mostly-cooked chicken breast on bread. i explained to the kinder: i no longer complain because i understand that the food is as good as the majority of our base deserves. if nobody's motivated to complain, then they're voting silently in the wrong direction and they can suck it.

after lunch, i spent a while with a new guy and the wiki writing a tutorial in real-time for what we were learning to do with the application. it was a decidedly frustrating enterprise, but now we know what's going on and nobody will have to figure it out again.

from the results of our experiment, i learned quite a bit about one of the projects i'm working on. i approached the project manager, and we poured over the results while trying to prove each other wrong - and i was wrong. once the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, though, i had the solution in mind and it's all become a lot simpler. [hence the big-picture comment earlier]

on his way out, our unit commander saw me eating the cornflakes out of the nutella. "isn't that really sweet?"
i tipped the bottle to show him the cornflakes.
"if each cornflake merely *touches* the nutella, it's delicious!"

i don't know about anyone else, but i'm sold :)


captain incompetent (the idiot who's supposedly responsible for me and causes fights) made a snarky-sounding comment this afternoon, but neither i nor the guy with me could make out the words. when i asked him to repeat himself he got a stupid look on his face and refused; i said very loudly and clearly that it had obviously been something inappropriate. i hope i'm sending him the right signals.


the shuttle home would've been uneventful if not for the driver trying to befriend me by rubbing me the wrong way - i was the last out, and he started having a go at all of us because we have desk jobs and aren't serving in the "real" army. he couldn't have picked a worse person. i put him and his elitist shuttle-driver attitude in their place.

i Did Stuff Online and started blogging, rushing off halfway to meet with scrapper and his buddies for pre-show snickers on rabin square. the hardware dude rode past, and made me *extremely* jealous [he did something that i'll have to wait until i get released to even contemplate*], and we went off to tzivta.

* okay, i'm lying. i've definitely contemplated doing it.

the crowd mostly consisted of friends and family, but that's a large number so it was pretty cool. heck, one of the songs even got a mini-mosh pit going. the place was a bit weird, from the seating arrangement to the fact that all i could see were bottles of coke, no beers or waitrons in sight.

hatachtonim's (התחתונים, "underpants") performance started a bit fuzzily with an emotional yet silly piece on how his name isn't particularly good for a porn star, but they got in the swing of things really quickly and were absolutely phenomenal for the rest of the evening. they rock!

afterwards, i had an incredibly awkward moment with the cute superman girl from last week - who really didn't recognize me without my sunglasses and wearing a big shirt. at least the guys who were here a while back and i knew that we'd definitely met before :P

i came home and started completing this post, but suddenly felt completely drained and lay down on the couch, thinking to wake up around 1am for the party at the comfort. i did wake up at 1am, but was so wonderfully comfortable that i simply couldn't force myself to get up. i might have made a better effort if i hadn't known that the guy i was going to meet there wouldn't be going either. just in case, i set my alarm for another forty-five minutes, but by that stage i had absolutely no desire to party whatsoever.

i slept, dreaming strange dreams. after a dream involving being toyed with by a fishing line and studying for a qualification that i already had [i can't remember much more, and was sure i'd written it down], i suddenly found myself standing in a strange bathroom in the dark, feeling something weighing down my left upper arm.
i couldn't shake it off, so i reached for it with my right hand and found myself slowly, carefully, forcefully -and in flat panic - forcing a giant python to release its grip on me while praying that it wasn't going to bite.

i woke up a little upset, considering the likelihood of snakes infiltrating my apartment and what i would do if i had really been in that situation.

i had a shower and went to bed, waking up far too late to make the activism lecture at the idc [i knew there was something that needed doing] and beginning the day with the continuation of that tuesday morning's test. and posting.

Green Nuns On Ice - Alahambra and toires feat natacha atlas - sanati accompanied this post, and they're AMAZING.

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