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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

wrung hands

i'm about to go rollerblading, so i figured this to be as good an opportunity as any to post in spite of my hands being rather hard done by on account of my second attempt at the climbing wall.

isn't it supposed to get easier? i made five attempts, and only one of those saw me tapping the top. we did learn a hell of a lot, though, and that includes my acceptance into the ranks of those who can release other climbers. also, i'm now a member so it'll be a lot cheaper in future.


i couldn't get the ubuntu installation going. instead, i scrambled to the park and the sushi chef and i trained. it wasn't a bad training, but it would've been better had we not been limited by his damaged foot - i wanted to practice counters :/

i bladed back, showered and was picked up by gn1. we went to see panic ensemble at levontin, and made it in time to grab the last seats left in the house. the sound wasn't great, but the band was amazing as usual and gn1 enjoyed it almost as much as i did ^_^

we joined a couple of gay friends of hers in a lesbian bar - i can't help myself: i think lesbian bars are for ******* :P

aside from the second track, the music was funky and we had a good time. as we walked out, having unanimously decided that it was time for food, i received an sms from lipgirl asking if i was up for grabbing a bite - strangely at the same place we were planning on going to. even more coincidental: she lives in the same street as the club we were at.

she joined us, which turned out to be a decidedly awkward move [good job, totalwaste!] and it took a while before gn1 and her friends spoke to us :S
the hamburgers weren't bad, and by the end of the evening things were okay. gn1 and i went back to her place, where we pretty much crashed on sight of the bed (we were both bombed) and were woken up in the middle of the night by her super-cool and friendly cat. i couldn't help giggling as kitty crawled up and down the bed licking me, even though a cat's licks are pretty grating.

the last thing i recall before passing out again was a sharp pain somewhere (i think she was prepping me as bedding) and then gn1 taking her outside.


gn1 prepared a really nice breakfast, and then we returned to tel aviv. she's been having difficulty with her work environment - especially since i've been making it clear by my holiday behaviour that she could be enjoying herself more - and has placed herself in a similar situation to the one i was in before settling on my current life plan. i wish i could help more than with simple and general advice, but figuring out the why's and the how's are way too personal.

the walk home was uneventful, and i was still half asleep. soon after i arrived,

[posting postponed on account of my realizing the time]

nystire and his wife arrived, and over coffee we talked and began sorting out my pc (it appears that the disc was simply dirty), then moved to cafe hillel to sit and get stuff done. we spent more time preparing and planning, and that's after it took a while for us to get the coffee shop's router reset so we could connect.

so now i need to learn python.

we stopped by my place to begin the second phase of the installation, then took a walk to dizengoff center. i bought michal geva's cd, and accompanied the two of them to training. i said hi, had to remind our instructor that i'm not training with her anymore (almost putting my foot in it when i asked if she could organize a discount for taekwondo equipment), and discovered that there are a few more disillusioned that might be interested in joining our park group.

i walked back home, readied myself and bladed to the wall. the evening was well spent (although frustrating, as i described), and when i got back i had a quick shower and went shopping for the first time in a while (this month?! i think i've been eating out too much :P). i had just enough time to eat and watch a little more of the merchant of venice before disappearing to meet the group.

tonight's rollerblading group was amazing! firstly, there were a hell of a lot of us for a midwinter run, and the weather was perfect. secondly, the route was fantastic and i'm still on a high from the crazy downhills we did ^_^
i was videoing the group moving out from rothschild, and got stuck in the wrong lane when the lights changed. i almost lost the group, but the effort that was required to rejoin them meant that i got serious exercise tonight, and i kept up the same pace (even with beer in hand) right until the very end.

well, almost the very end, as the final stretch was straight past my apartment so i broke off a few minutes early. gn1 sent me a message as i walked in the door, so i called to say goodnight, and make an ass of myself - as is my wont - on the phone :P [why are things still going so well? she's very patient]

awesome evening, and i don't have to wake up in less than five hours. now i can shower happily.

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