
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

a day full of quotes

our SC:
"you know there are companies that don't have babylon?"
- they've just removed it from my computer, i was explaining to him that that's going to cost them in productivity. at least he tried to make it seem like a joke after i glared at him, instead of explaining (as is his wont) how much better it is to be in the army than in hi-tech.

my TL:
"but we knew that from the beginning!"
- after i just fixed the bug that's taken me more than two VERY frustrating weeks to find... so why didn't you freakin' TELL me in the beginning, brainiac?!
[whoever is responsible for that bug deservs to lose his fingers, it was a really dumb one and he didn't have the excuse of not understanding what he was trying to do]

my morning ride (although he's on holiday, it popped into my head to aggravate me this afternoon):
"if i can't understand it, it doesn't have meaning"
- on songs that use metaphor; also, he is of the opinion that people who live in the city and participate in the events and parties are doing so only because they feel that their lives are missing something.

the goto guy and i had a very amusing fight about which squid song (one in a million or not used to) he originally claimed sounds like the theme from doom 2 - i organized a meeting called "SQUID CHECK" which he forwarded on to others without context. refers to me as a "gavel god". finally! the respect and recognition i deserve!
OR it could be that they're that grateful that i've judged so many rounds. 152 and counting... [out of 190]

i just went looking for a birthday present for an ex-team-mate. after giving up at the puzzle store, i went in to the gaming one... i got stuck there for longer than i expected... but at least i have a couple of ideas. one is a five-in-a-row tic-tac-toe with swiveling quarters, and the other is hive.

yeah, i was singing out loud - but not loud, like under my breath - on my way home. good songs. excellent songs. the two girls sitting on a bench on my way home didn't just snicker... they bawled. i think that was unnecessary.


i don't actually have anything to do this evening, so i think i'm gonna play some more final fantasy.

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