
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


now i know what the word means - it's the kind of thing you see in cartoons, not in real life. i was sitting at my desk, it being covered with about ten stacks of paper - you know when you stack documents crossways so that they're essentially separate, stacks on the floor, and the current stack on my lap. then i had to reach over and use the keyboard and i realized i'd run out of space, and i was in a hurry to finish it all up and go home.

i laughed about it for about two seconds before remembering that i actually had to make it all disappear without abusing the shredder.

i began my day ingeniously - instead of the usual bleary-eyed and dangerous shave, i made a point of making coffee and sitting outside on the bench with it, a cigarette, infected mushroom - suliman and a beautiful sunrise. that shifted my morning (and this was around 5.45am) from "the suck" to "ierie".

the day began with a meeting, that i didn't pay too much attention to, and then i spent the next nine hours minus one pouring over the paperwork and making sure that i hadn't missed anything. the hour subtracted was for lunch, and a ceremony congratulating me on joining the workforce in an official capacity, with no less than three severe lectures on responsibility regardless of the fact that i'm one of the most responsible people they have.

i got my TL to laugh during the ceremony, and he in turn cracked a joke. our commander sort of continued on but in a slightly more serious vein, and the unit commander took it seriously and gave me a stern warning.


in the middle of a quick meeting later on, i received a phone call from some female private informing me that i have to make an appointment for half a day on the medical base, fast for no less than fourteen hours prior to said appointment, because i'm over 25.

i told her i was in the middle of something, i asked if it would take long, she said no. she proceeded to mentally dawdle and i could *hear* her chatting with friends in the background, which really put my back up. i shouted at her and slammed down the phone - it drives me crazy when the kids in the army don't realize that there are people in the system who have real work to do.
even crazier when they maintain that attitude throughout their service, but that's a different complaint.

and besides, when did 26 become "old and decrepit"?? granted i'm not in peak physical condition, but i'm doing a hell of a lot better than most of the developers i work with.

the last hour of work was spent almost literally swimming through the stacks, and i left early (after only a twelve hour day, what a slacker) and got a ride through to my old base. i'd intended to spend no more than half an hour chatting with my previous TL, but as usual i kept bumping into old friends and got caught up in a few engaging conversations.

i miss those guys... but i'm SO glad that i'm loving the work i'm doing!

i bussed to cafeneto, sat with spot for coffee, and we came back to find the kid at home. a fun conversation later and spot and i were fighting about the conditions that we agreed upon to allow spot to stay. his feelings are hurt, and i don't care because if that's what it takes for the kid and myself to feel more comfortable, so be it. it's not nice, but then neither is being pissed off all the time because i'm feeling like somebody's nanny.

it's late, i'm tired, and my last day before the holiday is going to be even more strenuous than today was. DAMN.

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