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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


a perfect circle - orestes: this is the second time this track's done it for me. and marilyn manson - the red carpet grave funks me out every time ^_^

i've been up a short while now, i woke up to a room that's too clinically white for it's own good... the dust storm is in full effect, everything's just the wrong shade.

the kid and i went to the beach yesterday morning: no luck finding a beach-brolly, but we did buy a frisbee and had a fun morning. around lunchtime we headed back, and after de-sanding i napped until early evening.

i went downstairs for a cigarette, and as i got back indoors spot called me to ask me if i was going to join him downstairs - apparently the two of us had been sitting right outside the entrance at the same time without seeing each other, i'm holding quantum responsible.

the three of us went to movie-ing, for a good breakfast and some laughs with the cute manager, and rented aeon flux. spot and i watched it when we got home, it's a fun movie. the kid was watching it when i got up this afternoon, and reminded me of the time i got called a deathist because i believe that a limited life-span is necessary for humans.

i was in two minds about last night's going out, i didn't really want to go out with spot because as much fun as the party sounded i didn't want to meet up with his british friend who i've had issues with for years, and aside from not remembering exactly where the koltura is i do know that it's too far.

i ended up going with spot anyway, and dealing with his friend wasn't too unpleasant, and the party was sick and solid. wicked drum 'n bass and crazy people, it was a serious party and i was on that dancefloor doing the epileptic thing for hours.

pity it got a bit boring around 5am, and a short while later we were on our way home. spot shocked me with his lack of biblical knowledge - yes, yes, belief is all well and good but there are certain points (positive and negative) about one's nation's history that one really should be familiar with.

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