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Friday, October 13, 2006

cute sending

just got two emails from sagirl, had to post 'em.

Read this question, come up with an answer and then scroll down
to the bottom for the result. This is not a trick question. It is as
it reads.

A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, met a guy whom
she did not know. She thought this guy was amazing. She believed him
to be her dream guy so much, that she fell in love with him right
there, but never asked for his number and could not find him. A few
days later she killed her sister.

Question: What is her motive for killing her sister?
[Give this some thought before you answer, see answer below]

scroll down to see the answer. strangely enough, i'm sure i've heard this before, and i think the fact that i've forgotten the answer says something.

and the feelgood one:

Beautifully stated

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to
ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably
more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so
remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best
friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry
because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you
love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never
been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of
happiness you'll never get back.

and the answer:

Answer: She was hoping the guy would appear at the funeral again. If
you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath. This was
a test by a famous American Psychologist used to test if one has
the same mentality as a killer.

Many arrested serial killers took part in the test and answered
the question correctly.

If you didn't answer the question correctly, good for you

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