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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

enough suck for one day

the shift last night sucked. the last time it sucked badly directly after i opened a tub of yoghurt - i managed one tiny taste before all hell broke loose. last night, someone else had a yoghurt, and the lines went crazy for most of the night.

ergo - do not eat yoghurt before or during a shift.

i was endlessly amused by the truth in this.

we finished around 4, one of the guys gave me a ride to the base. they gave me shit about coming in, but eventually let me. i brushed my teeth and went to bed.

i lie. i played gta2 until 6am. the fact that my day sucked doesn't really have as much to do with the lack of sleep, but i suppose it does factor in a little.

i was woken at 10am with an error to deal with. that was harsh. after sorting it out, i went to get something to drink. on the way back, i got a call from our base's discipline officer (hotrod) wanting to know where i was. i told him. he informed me that i was supposed to be on the tzrifin base, packing food or something.

i didn't understand what he said, so i thought it was for a week of guard duty. i went to see the guy he told me to, who's on sick leave. so i left him a post-it with all the reasons why i'm not going to go guard for them. now i realize that i have to retrieve that tomorrow morning :$

i spoke to my SC, did a bit of work, then went back to sleep. hotrod woke me up with a call, telling me to go down there for a court-martial. fortunately it didn't get that far with him, i mumbled some rubbish and he sent me to be court-martialled by my SC.

i was late for lunch, but the kitchen-workers had prepared themselves sandwiches so they gave me one :P apparently the way to get those guys to be nice to you is to be worse-off than them...

i slept a bit more (or tried to), then my SC showed up. we had a talk, where i told him that if he wants me to read the emails then he should send me to a hebrew course. he babbled some crap (lots, actually), and told me that at the very least i need to make sure of the relevance of each and every mail i get. fine. whatever.

i slept a bit more (again: or tried to. i was uncomfortable.), then discovered that the apocalypse is coming soon. the best part of my day was the supper. the food on base was actually good. and there was enough. it's time to get that bomb shelter ready!

bussed home, listening to my new-and-rather-crappy radio, and am planning on showering and crashing. i'm trying real hard not to be depressed, i really am. but tomorrow and monday are going to SUCK. at least the kid and i are taking a holiday, so it'll be a real weekend :)

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