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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, February 27, 2006

shambling to bed

i was tired this morning. when i got to base, i shambled and groaned up to the cafeteria. although quite a few people there broke out in smiles and nods of agreement, it didn't make waking up any easier.

i spent most of the day either there (playing cards with spot, who was on alert, or just chilling), or in the office sleeping, or chatting with people on the base. there was a little bit of work involved, but i finished it really early on. the work that frustrated me yesterday got discarded because i asked my TL for help, and he couldn't figure it out either.

the mongoose told me that he asked sbelle how our date on friday night went. not only did she not deny its being a date, but she claimed that it went really well.

wow. WTF?? that's messed up. i'm less interested now, and that's off a low base. weirdo. and not in a good way.

played volleyball in the afternoon, but it generally sucked. most of the people we play with aren't very good, and specifically have no concept of teamwork. there were very few points where we actually played.

spot and i spent an hour after home-time playing gta, then he joined me as i did my shopping. i came to mmf's, yogi joined me, and we worked until about half an hour or so ago.

it's EXTREMELY frustrating when you do something right, and the system doesn't let you know until later that it worked. bastards wrote a really shitty messaging system.

now i'm showering and going to bed.

of interest:

not an urban legend?!
'cause that ALWAYS happens to me. at 15 feet.

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