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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


as usual. i got up at 5.30, after the most comfortable, incredibly good sleep. half an hour later i emerged from the coccoon of ru55's, and made my way to the base. i arrived at 8.15, well impressed with myself, but not having slept a wink during the ride.

i don't know why.

it was a pretty ugly day. some of it was nice, especially breakfast with the boys. the mongoose finally understood that he's coming to a dangerous country, which provided a lot of entertainment. and lunch didn't totally suck.

it sucked knowing that j-girl isn't going to be coming to visit me in my office any more. that's really been taking the edge off a lot of my work.

i found out that after i left the base yesterday, the scout got emailed his results from the course we did. he got 75, and excitedly called our team leader to tell him. who promptly responded "yes, i know - now tell me why <my name here> got 10% higher than you."

oops. i burst out laughing when i got my result this morning, and then felt really bad when the others told me what happened :(

and today, workwise, was simply aweful. we had tons of work, tons of pressure, and there were problems with almost every stage. when we finally finished at 4.15pm, the dog and i practically ran off the base.

i spoke to my cousin from the kibbutz, she's going into surgery sunday so she asked that i not come over this weekend. i hope she'll be okay. i hope she'll be okay enough by next weekend for me to visit them before i leave...

i've come up with a fantastic way to "get back" at j-girl for all the cool things she did for my birthday... i've decided to keep it quite under wraps in the hope that i don't somehow spoil it. more on that as it happens ;)

the dog and i went to azrieli, for some mostly unsuccessful shopping. and pizza. i bought some more dvd's - slowly growing the collection ;) went to my place to drop off some things, played some tekken, and then got frustrated by a rogue bus and had to take a taxi to get to work on time.

now i'm here.

i'm tired.

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