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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

later that day...

and then i remember that a not-quite-ripe apple is the only way to go.

we worked hard today - and we're in beta! FINALLY!

just before we finished, i went out and got a hot-dog, that turned out the be the best hot-dog i've ever eaten. i walked back munching in a daze.

i crashed hard, woke up almost 2 hours ago with a call to say that the university system's in shit again. programmatically, i don't mind learning things in order to create something. what i loathe is having to learn something completely new in order to fix a stupid screw-up that belongs to someone else. and i can't test the results directly, so i have to wait for my boss to become available. so i'm stuck using the work-machine until this is resolved, which means blogging and checking mail is all i can do with my time.

i'm missing the unit event. i don't care. i'm sure i'll find out how wonderful it was tomorrow morning. i went and did some shopping, had an unpleasant experience with some old woman who was convinced that if she could sneak things into my pile, i'd pay for them. i opened my mouth to say something scathing, and then thought better of it.

i was still a little cloudy-headed on my way back home, and was jarred into alertness by the sheer agony of the oracle development i do on a day-to-day basis. i don't know why, but an incident flashed into my mind that occurred a few days ago, where i got so frustrated that i scared the shit out of scout by screaming and storming out.

hmmph. at least the java dev's fun.


  1. Bug fixing is the worst job in the entire world. I should know. I've been doing it for almost 2 years now. The handful of new features thrown in in between barely count, since they have to be grafted onto this decrepid pile we call Our Codebase.

  2. as i've quoted before - the word is "cruft". the main problem with the university project in particular is that the guy who built it screwed up all the way from the design phase... and left without completing everything. in some respects, i guess that's not SO bad that i got to finish these things off, but the rest pains me.

    w-v: Zebra Endorphins Allow Unknown Article Jacking


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